• Small 901696da d2a6 4a99 8c1e 6c19bac11312
Large 901696da d2a6 4a99 8c1e 6c19bac11312
Large 901696da d2a6 4a99 8c1e 6c19bac11312

LG Boost

SKU: LG Boost



Enjoy the convenience and indulgence of a delicious creamy Lingzhi LG Boost. Our premium Arabica beans, combined with Reishi, non – diary creamer, and natural sugars, create a flavourful and uplifting beverage. Whether you start your day with it or use it to wind down, Lingzhi LG Boost helps release stress hormones and calms your nerves, making it a perfect choice for a soothing and delightful experience

  • Description

    Enjoy the convenience and indulgence of a delicious creamy Lingzhi LG Boost. Our premium Arabica beans, combined with Reishi, non – diary creamer, and natural sugars, create a flavourful and uplifting beverage. Whether you start your day with it or use it to wind down, Lingzhi LG Boost helps release stress hormones and calms your nerves, making it a perfect choice for a soothing and delightful experience

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